Tuesday, July 24, 2012

REaction 2012: TBK to attend 1st major biofuels conference in Southern India

TBK Associates will be present at the "World's first action oriented renewable energy meeting" in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. This represents another step forward for TBK having been invited by the EIA of India to join the conference to discuss "second and third generation" biofuels. The event has been dubbed REaction 2012 and promises to revitalize India's efforts to commercialize sustainable biofuels options like TBK Biofuels. The agenda of the conference includes a 'crash course' on algae research for biofuels, but the conference is not for biofuels alone. The entire suite of sustainable energy technology platforms will be discussed at the various break-out meetings and technical sessions that will take place for three days (July 26-28). Event sponsors include: Sun Edison, L&T, ReGen PowerTech, Tamil Nadu Development Agency, Oilgae, and many others. Event partners include: IBM, Tata, European Business Technology Centre (ebtc), Nordic CleanTech, Mailhem Engineers Pvt. Lmt., Power Today, Tender Tiger, and many more. This event represents an opportunity to turn some heads toward a liquid biofuels solution that ultimately does not rely on hexane and methane produced from fossil fuels; that's the TBK Solution!